6 tips for super healthy looking skin

Yes there is a connection between what we eat and drink, how we feel and how our skin looks like.

So, what is the secret to a happier you and nice glowing skin?

The skin is the organ that protects us from the environment, from dehydration, infections, it keeps us warm. Skin is made of cells that renew every twenty something days and all what we do influences our skin, especially cosmetics, foods, drinks.

This is why nutrition is extremely important for our skin appearance and feel. This is indeed great news because it means that you can influence the way you look and the way you feel!!

Collagen and elastin fibres decline in time, due to damage caused by Free Radicals. So it is very important to introduce plenty of antioxidants which will fight the Free Radicals damage. What are the most important vitamins and minerals to help our skin???

Vitamin A, C, E, Selenium, Zinc and essential fatty acids. These all help skin to produce collagen, overcome dry skin, and nurture the membrane of skin cells.

Do you have dry skin? You need to increase essential fatty acids!

Do you want to increase production of collagen? You need to increase your Vitamin C intake!

Do you have stretch marks, acne, eczema, difficulty in skin healing? You need to increase your Zinc intake!

Many skin problems are linked to imbalances in the digestive tract. Poor digestion and malabsorption can also occur.  This can lead to luck of healthy “good bacteria”, yeast overgrowth, increased toxins and difficulty to detoxify.

So what do you need to do?? Here a few tips for healthy looking skin.

1.      Limit/avoid: alcohol, sugar, tea, and coffee, saturated fats (in meat and dairy), processed food.

2.      Increase: water, fresh coloured vegetables and fruits, herbal teas.

3.      Eat fresh untreated foods, naturally rich in antioxidants, preferably organic.

4.      Increase Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, especially cold pressed flaxseeds oil and evening primrose oil, seeds, nuts.

5.      Add a multivitamin (preferably food grade vitamins) + multi mineral supplement + at least 1,000mg Vitamin C per day!

6.      Add probiotics to your diet, for example Kombucha and fermented vegetables!

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*References: The Optimum Nutritional Bible, Patrick Holford, 2014.